EmbVision Tutorial: Part 3

Class Definition and Unit Testing

Shogo MURAMATSU, Associate Prof.,
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Faculty of Eng., Niigata Univ.

Copyright (c), All rights reserved, 2014-2015, Shogo MURAMATSU


Part2 | Contents | Part4


Through this exercise, you can learn how to develop MATLAB codes with a manner of object-oriented programming (OOP) and how to use unit testing framework in MATLAB.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Modularization of programs brings high reliability and wide extensibility. Object-oriented programming ( OOP ) is a manner to develop codes by defining program modules that possess

Data (in the form of properties) and code(in the form of methods)

as classes. Through creation, combination and interaction of

Instance objects

of such classes, large-scaled programs are constructed.

OOP is available also with MATLAB.

The OOP function of MATLAB has been enhanced through several version ups. Now, extending the System object™ base class, one can easily realize

[ Top ]

Definition of System object Class

As an example, define a subclass of System object that converts a grayscale image to RGB color image.

From the HOME tag, choose the following item.

  1. "New"
  2. -> "System object >"
  3. -> "Basic"

Then, a template code will appear on the editor.

classdef Untitled < matlab.System
  % Untitled Add summary here
  % This template includes the minimum set of functions required
  % to define a System object with discrete state.
      % Public, tunable properties.
  properties (DiscreteState)
  properties (Access = private)
      % Pre-computed constants.
  methods (Access = protected)
      function setupImpl(obj,u)
          % Implement tasks that need to be performed only once,
          % such as pre-computed constants.
      function y = stepImpl(obj,u)
          % Implement algorithm. Calculate y as a function of
          % input u and discrete states.
          y = u;
      function resetImpl(obj)
          % Initialize discrete-state properties.

Edit the name of the class just after the CLASSDEF keyword from Untitled to


at the first line.

classdef Rgb2GraySystem < matlab.System
  % RGB2GRAYSYSTEM RGB to Grayscale Converter

Save the edited file as "Rgb2GraySystem.m".

The string just after the CLASSDEF keyword denotes the name of the class. The file name should be identical to the class name.

The procedure is summarized as follows:

  1. Create an instance object (call the constructor)
  2. Execute the STEP method (call STEPIMPL method indirectly)
>> u = 1;
>> obj = Rgb2GraySystem(); % Call the constructor
>> y = step(obj,u)         % Call the stepImpl method indirectly
y =

At present, the class definition of Rgb2GraySystem contains the automatically-created template code.

The STEPIMPL method is defined to pass the input u to the output.

function y = stepImpl(obj,u)
   y = u;

In order for Rgb2GraySystem class to satisfy the required function, one has to define PROPERTIES and METHODS appropriately.

The followings show how to proceed the implementation of Rgb2GraySystem class through test-driven development (TDD).

[ Top ]

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

In order to improve the reliability of programs, it is recommended to enhance their test codes.

MATLAB provides a UNITTEST framework, for testing program units automatically.

The UNITTEST framework is an indispensable tool for TDD, which gives a top priority to unit test codes instead of program unit codes.

As a result, one can develop program modules that has few bugs and is robust to change.

In general, TDD repeats the following steps:

As a result, both of the test class and target class are enhanced.

Implement Rgb2GraySystem class by following the steps below.

  1. Define a test class, Rgb2GraySystemTestCase
  2. Implement testSize method in the Rgb2GraySystemTestCase class
  3. Verify fail of the testSize method for the target Rgb2GraySystem class
  4. Implement the STEPIMPL method of the target Rgb2GraySystem class
  5. Verify success of the testSize method for the target Rgb2GraySystem class

Definition of TestCase Class

Now, define the test case class named "Rgb2GraySystemTestCase."

From HOME tag, choose the following item.

  1. "New"
  2. -> "Classes"

Then, a template code will appear on the editor.

classdef Untitled
%UNTITLED Summary of this class goes here
%  Detailed explanation goes here

By extending the matlab.unittest.TestCase class, one can define the Rgb2GraySystemTestCase class.

That is, edit the first line containing the CLASSDEF keyword as

classdef Rgb2GraySystemTestCase < matlab.unittest.TestCase

In addition, prepare a METHODS section that has "Test" attribution.

methods (Test)

At this point, the whole code will be as follows:

classdef Rgb2GraySystemTestCase < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    %RGB2GRAYSYSTEMTESTCASE Test Case for Rgb2GraySystem
    methods (Test)

Save the edited class definition to file "Rgb2GraySystemTestCase.m."

[ Top ]

Addition of Test Method

Next, add another test method to the test class "Rgb2GraySystemTestCase."

Insert the following test method into the methods section with Test attribution, i.e., methods (Test), in the Rgb2GraySystemTestCase class.

function testSize(testCase)
   % Preparation
   u = zeros(1,2,3);   % Zero array of size 1x2x3
   % Expectation
   szExpctd = [ 1 2 ]; % Size of 2-D array
   % Instantiation of the target
   obj = Rgb2GraySystem();
   % Actual value
   y = step(obj,u);
   % Verification of the size

Note that all the methods in the test method section are automated to be tested.

Here, the VERIFYSIZE method verifies the size of a given variable.

The ZEROS function creates a zero array of indicated size.

Call the RUN method on the command window for executing the unit tests.

>> result = run(Rgb2GraySystemTestCase);

At present, Rgb2GraySystem is not appropriately implemented, the test results in fail.

Implementation of Target Class

In order avoid the fail test, redefine the STEPIMPL method of the Rgb2GraySystem class as follows.

function y = stepImpl(obj,u)
   y = zeros(size(u,1),size(u,2));

Then, execute the test again.

>> result = run(Rgb2GraySystemTestCase);
Running Rgb2GraySystemTestCase
Done Rgb2GraySystemTestCase

The result changes from fail to success.

Enhancement of TestCase and Target Classes

Similarly, keep enhancing the test case and target class by repeating the following steps.

  1. Implement a test method to the test case class
  2. Verify fail of the test method
  3. Implement a target method in the target class
  4. Verify success of the test method

Enhance the Rgb2GraySystem class to satisfy the following test case.

classdef Rgb2GraySystemTestCase < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    %RGB2GRAYSYSTEMTESTCASE Test Case for Rgb2GraySystem
    methods (Test)
        function testSize(testCase)
            % Preparation
            u = zeros(1,2,3);   % Zero array of size 1x2x3
            % Expectation
            szExpctd = [ 1 2 ]; % Size of 2-D array
            % Instantiation of the target
            obj = Rgb2GraySystem();
            % Actual value
            y = step(obj,u);
            % Verification of the size
        function testValues(testCase)
            % Preparation
            u = rand(4,6,3);        % 3-D random array
            % Expectation
            arrayExpctd = rgb2gray(u); % Expectation of grayscale
            % Instantiation of the target
            obj = Rgb2GraySystem();
            % Actual value
            arrayActual = step(obj,u);
            % Verify the contents of the array

Here, the<matlab:doc('matlab.unittest.qualifications.Verifiable.verifyEqual') VERIFYEQUAL> function verifies if the actual value is identical to the expected one.

The RAND function generates real random values from uniform distribution with the range from 0 to 1.

result = run(Rgb2GraySystemTestCase);
Rgb2GraySystemTestCase を実行しています
Rgb2GraySystemTestCase が完了しました

If the Rgb2GraySystem class is appropriately implemented, the test would result in success.

[ Top ]

Class Properties

Any class can possesses properties in addition to methods.

Properties can be defined in the PROPERTIES section by a list of property names.

For example, a System object class named "GradFiltSystem" with property "Kernel" is defined as follows.

classdef GradFiltSystem < matlab.System
       Kernel % Property
    properties (DiscreteState)
    properties (Access = private)
    methods (Access = protected)
        % Setup (evaluated just before the first call of STEP)
        function setupImpl(obj,srcImg)
        % Step
        function resImg = stepImpl(obj,srcImg)
           resImg = srcImg;
        % Reset
        function resetImpl(obj)

Properties can be initialized by giving their initial values.

Let us implement a test case class that expects that the target class has a property named "Kernel" whose initial value is given as follows.

Kernel = [  1  1  1 ;
            0  0  0 ;
           -1 -1 -1 ];

GradFiltSystemTestCase may be defined as follows.

classdef GradFiltSystemTestCase < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    %GRADFILTSYSTEMTESTCASE Test Case for GradFiltSystem
    methods (Test)
        function testDefaultKernel(testCase)
            % Expectation
            kernelExpctd = [  1  1  1 ;
                              0  0  0 ;
                            -1 -1 -1 ];
            % Instantiation of the target class
            obj = GradFiltSystem();
            % Get property Kernel
            kernelActual = get(obj,'Kernel');
            % Verify property Kernel

Edit the Kernel property of the GradFiltSystem class so that the above test case passes.

    Kernel = [  1  1  1 ; % Initialized property
                0  0  0 ;
               -1 -1 -1 ];

Note that one can access a property from a method by using symbol '.' just after the first argument name (obj in the following case) followed by the property name as

function y = stepImpl(obj,u)
   y = conv2(obj.Kernel,u);

[ Top ]


The value of property Kernel can be changed at the instantiation of the GradFiltSystem class. Let us add the following test method to the GradFiltSystemTestCase class.

methods (Test)
   function testSobelKernel(testCase)
      % Expectation
      kernelExpctd = [  1  2  1 ;
                        0  0  0 ;
                       -1 -2 -1 ];
      % Instantiation of the target class
      obj = GradFiltSystem('Kernel',kernelExpctd);
      % Get property Kernel
      kernelActual = get(obj,'Kernel');
      % Verify property Kernel

Define a constructor so that the above test case passes.

Constructor can be defined as a method whose name is identical to the class name in the public METHODS section without any attribution.

   % Constructor
   function obj = GradFiltSystem(varargin)
methods (Access = protected)

Note that VARARGIN accept variable length input arguments and the SETPROPERTIES methods enable us to set properties by the combination of arguments in the form

'Property_name1', Property_value1,_'Property_name2'_, Property_value2,...

[ Top ]


Exercise 3-1. HSV2RGB Class

Implement a class named "Hsv2RgbSystem" so that the following test case is satisfied.

%   classdef Hsv2RgbSystemTestCase < matlab.unittest.TestCase
%       %HSV2RGBSYSTEMTESTCASE Test Case for Hsv2RgbSystem
%       properties
%       end
%       methods (Test)
%           function testSize(testCase)
%               % Preparation
%               h = zeros(1,2);
%               s = zeros(1,2);
%               v = zeros(1,2);
%               % Expectation
%               szRExpctd = [ 1 2 ];
%               szGExpctd = [ 1 2 ];
%               szBExpctd = [ 1 2 ];
%               % Instantiation of the target
%               obj = Hsv2RgbSystem();
%               % Actual values
%               [r,g,b] = step(obj,h,s,v);
%               % Verify the sizes
%               testCase.verifySize(r,szRExpctd);
%               testCase.verifySize(g,szGExpctd);
%               testCase.verifySize(b,szBExpctd);
%           end
%           function testValues(testCase)
%               % Preparation
%               h = rand(4,6);
%               s = rand(4,6);
%               v = rand(4,6);
%               hsv = cat(3,h,s,v); % Concatenation to 3-D array
%               % Expectation
%               rgbExpctd = hsv2rgb(hsv);
%               % Instantiation of the target
%               obj = Hsv2RgbSystem();
%               % Actual values
%               [rActual,gActual,bActual] = step(obj,h,s,v);
%               % Verify the contents of the arrays
%               testCase.verifyEqual(rActual,rgbExpctd(:,:,1));
%               testCase.verifyEqual(gActual,rgbExpctd(:,:,2));
%               testCase.verifyEqual(bActual,rgbExpctd(:,:,3));
%           end
%       end
%   end
% Here, the <matlab:doc('cat') CAT> function concatenates
% multiple arrays in the indicated dimension.

result = run(Hsv2RgbSystemTestCase);
Hsv2RgbSystemTestCase を実行しています
Hsv2RgbSystemTestCase が完了しました

If the Hsv2RgbSystem class is appropriately implemented, the test would result in success.

Exercise3-2. Gradient Filter Class

Implement a class named "GradFiltSystem" so that the following test case passes.

classdef GradFiltSystemTestCase < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    %GRADFILTSYSTEMTESTCASE Test Case for GradFiltSystem
    methods (Test)
        function testDefaultKernel(testCase)
            % Expectation
            kernelExpctd = [  1  1  1 ;
                              0  0  0 ;
                             -1 -1 -1 ];
            % Instantiation of the target
            obj = GradFiltSystem();
            % Get property Kernel
            kernelActual = get(obj,'Kernel');
            % Verify property Kernel
        function testSobelKernel(testCase)
            % Expectation
            kernelExpctd = [  1  2  1 ;
                              0  0  0 ;
                             -1 -2 -1 ];
            % Instantiation of the target
            obj = GradFiltSystem('Kernel',kernelExpctd);
            % Get property Kernel
            kernelActual = get(obj,'Kernel');
            % Verify property Kernel
        function testStepWithPrewittKernel(testCase)
            % Preparation
            H = [  1  1  1 ;
                   0  0  0 ;
                  -1 -1 -1 ];
            % Preparation for Expectation
            I  = imread('cameraman.tif');
            X  = im2double(I);
            Yv = conv2(H  ,X);        % Vertical differential
            Yv = Yv(2:end-1,2:end-1); % Clipping
            Yh = conv2(H.',X);        % Horizontal differential
            Yh = Yh(2:end-1,2:end-1); % Clipping
            magExpctd = sqrt(Yv.^2+Yh.^2); % Expectation of magnitude
            angExpctd = atan2(Yv,Yh);      % Expectation of direction
            % Instantiation of the target
            obj = GradFiltSystem();
            % Actual values
            [magActual,angActual] = step(obj,X);
            % Verify the results
result = run(GradFiltSystemTestCase);
GradFiltSystemTestCase を実行しています
GradFiltSystemTestCase が完了しました

If the GradFiltSystem class is appropriately implemented, the test would result in success.

(Example Answer)

hrs = Hsv2RgbSystem();
gfs = GradFiltSystem();

I = imread('cameraman.tif');     % Read an image
[mag,ang] = step(gfs,I);         % Gradient filtering
ang = (ang+pi)/(2*pi);           % Normalization of the direction
mag = min(mag,1);                % Saturation process of the magnitude
[R,G,B] = step(hrs,ang,mag,mag); % Convert to pseudo color space
J = cat(3,R,G,B);                % Concatenation to RGB array
imshow(J)                        % Image display

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